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Winter Park FL Dentist Blog

Understanding Cavities in Children

Cavities form in the wake of the deterioration of enamel, the hard outer shell of your teeth. This dental problem can affect individuals in any age group - children, teenagers, and adults alike - because they are all subject to…

Do Kids Need Professional Teeth Cleanings?

You likely know that you should visit your dentist on a regular basis for professional teeth cleanings. But did you know that routine dental care is necessary for kids too? As soon as your child grows their first baby tooth,…

Is It Safe to Pull a Baby Tooth?

Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, refer to the initial, small teeth that begin to grow in a child’s infancy. They serve as placeholders to help a child speak and eat while the jaw grows and makes room for…

Which Toothbrush Does My Child Need?

A child begins brushing their teeth in infancy when their first baby teeth begin to burst through their gums. Teeth brushing is a crucial step in the oral hygiene regimen, the practice of keeping the mouth clean. Both baby teeth…

Help Your Child Heal from Tooth Pulling

In the event of extensive damage to a tooth, a dentist might recommend an extraction procedure. They will carefully release ligaments and tissue to pull the tooth from the patient’s mouth. The patient can anticipate some downtime as they recover…

How to Promote Good Gum Health

Your child should start good oral health practices as soon as they grow their first teeth. But these maintenance efforts will help to promote good gum health as well. Gum disease and other periodontal issues tend to affect adult dental…

Why Treat Cavities in Baby Teeth

You begin providing oral health care for your child as soon as they start growing their first teeth in infancy. Eventually, these primary teeth, also called baby teeth or milk teeth, will fall out, and permanent adult teeth will grow…

Use the Right Oral Hygiene Tools

Oral hygiene is a crucial process completed at home to keep your mouth clean. Patients of any age should brush their teeth at least twice per day and floss daily. Parents should make sure they introduce these good oral habits…

Go Back to School with a Healthy Smile

The academic year is on the horizon for many schools and universities. This may signify a shift in your household’s schedule as you and your children settle into a new routine. You can start this semester on the right foot…

Why Sugar Hurts Children’s Teeth

One of the most famous cautions from a dentist you will hear is to avoid eating candy and sugary treats to keep your smile healthy. But you might wonder what is so bad about sugar when it comes to oral…